Tattoo Aftercare


Traditional Bandage


Your tattoo will be wrapped with a piece of sterile plastic wrap upon completion. You may remove this wrap 1-3 hours after it has been placed.

  • Upon removal, wash your new tattoo with unscented soap and warm water, using your fingertips to gently remove any excess ointment or ink from the skin. There may be dried blood or water excretions, this is completely normal. * Remember to always wash your hands before touching your tattoo



DErmal bandages


To remove your dermal bandage, find an edge of the bandage and pull it back over itself in the direction of hair growth. The shower is the ideal place to remove this bandage. Running water will help loosen the adhesive and relax the skin, making the removal much more comfortable. Dry removal of the dermal bandage may cause discomfort and added trauma to the skin.

  1. Discard the used bandage and wash the tattoo with a mild soap, preferably fragrance-free. 

  2. Allow the tattoo to air dry or pat dry with a clean towel.

  3. Apply a thin layer of aftercare product to your tattoo; a petroleum-free moisturizer to help the tattoo retain moisture and itch less.

  4. If you plan on applying another bandage (24 hours after initial application only), refer to step 3 after second bandage is removed.

Additional removal and reapplication information:

  • If the skin appears irritated, there is fluid buildup, or the bandage is coming off, it’s okay to remove the bandage sooner rather than later.

  • Do not reapply any more bandages after the scabbing/flaking phase of tattoo healing has begun. If you find yourself bandage-less during this phase, make sure you’re keeping the area thoroughly moisturized.

  • If there is adhesive residue leftover on the skin, or the adhesive is not loosening enough with water, coconut oil and baby oil are helpful for removal.


Aftercare Application after bandage removal

  • Now that the original bandage has been taken off, it’s time to take care of your new healing tattoo.

  • Wash your tattoo twice a day; Once in the morning after you’ve woken up, and once at night before you’ve gone to bed.

  • Apply a thin layer of ointment to your tattoo up to 3 times a day as needed; Morning, noon, and night. DO NOT apply your ointment heavily. If your tattoo is shining from ointment it is too much. Thin layers help promote healthy skin and easier healing, while heavy layers can promote clogged pores and collect bacteria.

  • After 5 days, you may stop using the ointment and switch to unscented lotion.


Things to expect while healing your new tattoo

During the healing process your tattoo will go through different stages. Do not pick or scratch. Scabbing can occur, and be normal, but you must leave the flaking skin to fall off naturally. If your tattoo is itching more than usual, you may use a thin layer of lotion to sooth the itch, but again do not scratch.

  • No direct sunlight until your tattoo is fully healed; Between 2-3 weeks.

  • Do not submerge your tattoo under water. No pools, hot tubs, baths until fully healed; between 2-3 weeks. Your tattoo will be fine getting wet for short periods of time in the shower so please, stay clean! Always pat your tattoo dry after showering, or getting wet in any way. Do not rub. Do not use anything abrasive i.e. loofas, wash cloths, etc.

  • For our friends that like to work out: If possible, refrain. If not possible, do your due diligence! Keep your new tattoo from touching any equipment and always wash your hands and tattoo before and after your session. Bacteria runs rampant in gyms, and unfortunately not everyone has the same level of hygiene while sharing all of the same equipment. This is a breeding ground for bacteria and a possible introduction to infection. Be smart and cleanly.